Looking for ways to grow your faith and get connected?
Check out the opportunities below!

Nursery - Currently Not Available
Location: Childcare Room (please use the stairs in the Welcome Center to access the lower level)
Pre-School and Kindergarten - Teacher: Jennifer Reagan Costa Room Mom: Rotating
Location: Room 1 (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take the stairs to the lower level, the room is located at the bottom stairs to the right)
Grades 1, 2, and 3 - Teacher: Lucy Harlow
Location: Room 3 (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take the stairs to the lower level and enter Barclay Hall; the room is located behind the stage)
Grades 4, 5, and 6 - Teacher: Sharon Roberts
Location: Room 4 (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take the stairs to the lower level and enter Barclay Hall; the room is located behind the stage)
Junior/Senior High - Teacher: Jonathan Harlow
Location: Upper Parlor (adjacent to Trinity Hall & the coffee area)
Please pre-register your child/children before they start classes by using this link.

Weekly - Saturday's @ 9 am: PHONE IN ONLY
Open group - all are welcome to join. Participates from all over the US
This unique group is a phone in bible study.
So grab a "Cup of Jo", phone in, introduce yourself & learn with others!
Call 1-978-990-5000, access code 530898.
Hosted by Mike & Bernadette Bessette out of Florida!

Sunday mornings - 9 am
Location: Lower Parlor (please use stairs in Welcome Center to access the lower level)
Inspired scripture – Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Class selected topics to dig into faith-based issues and the bible. Discussion-based.
To gain access to the zoom room for the class, please use the following link:
Meeting ID: 867 0298 8758
Passcode: 284763
Hosted by
Ken Marrocco.

Adult Class: IN-PERSON
Sunday mornings - 9 am
Location: Room #5 - (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take the stairs to the lower level, and enter Barclay Hall, the room is located behind the stage)
Inspired scripture – John 15:4 “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear
fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me.”
Teacher selected studies that deepen our faith with bible study and discussion.
Hosted by
Kathy Barclay
Next Moves is designed for those new to Norwood, new to the faith or if you are seeking and want to learn more.
Next Moves is an 8-week video study, by Andy Stanley. We will gather in the sanctuary from 9 am to 10 am, spend time helping you get to know Norwood Baptist Church RI, explore who Jesus was and is and get to know each other.
Groups begin every few months: Please indicate your interest below or to register hop on over to this link. NEXT MOVES
Hosted by

Small group for women only. *Class is full.
Women Only Class: IN-PERSON
Sunday mornings - 9 am
Location: Classroom #2 (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take the stairs to the lower level, room is to your right at the bottom of the stairs)
*Women’s Discipleship Group - SPACE IS LIMITED
Experience building relationships through studying God’s Word!
Level of Commitment
Group participation
Cost - for study guide
Beginning, September 8th - 9 am
Hosted by
Maureen Couture

Friends in Faith meets every Third Monday - 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Location: Held at the home of Karen Nelson
Open to both men & women
Facilitator selected studies that deepen our faith with bible study and discussion.
Hosted by
Karen Nelson & Facilitated by Lisa Silvia
Please contact Karen @ (401) 862-2432 for more information/sign up

Adult Women's Group: IN PERSON
Meets the 3rd Saturday of every month beginning at 10 am.
Location: Upper Parlor (adjacent to Trinity Hall & the coffee area)
Bible study & fellowship group for Women of all ages.
Hosted by
Debra Russo

Adult Men's Breakfast Group: IN PERSON
Meets the 4th Saturday of every month beginning at 9 am.
Location: Barclay Hall (Follow Trinity Hall to the coffee area. Take stairs to the lower level,
the room is located at the bottom stairs to the right)
Breakfast, Bible study & fellowship for men of all ages. Topics change monthly.
Open to all!
Hosted by the men of Norwood Baptist Church RI