Needing More Info? Just accepted Jesus?

What's next?

Hey, so you may have questions or.... just accepted Jesus into your life, and you are wondering....

"What's next?"

May we encourage you to take just a couple of steps?

First, let us know if you need a bible. We would love to give you that gift and help you understand where to begin.

We encourage you to attend one of our "Next Moves" groups. "Next Moves" is a video study that we believe will help explain who Jesus is and what he wants for your life. It is facilitated with a couple of people and persons who have accepted Jesus, persons seeking, or for people newer to Norwood Baptist Church RI. We keep the group small and purposeful, as we know it can be intimating to be in a new setting.

We also encourage you to sign up for one of our Welcome Parties. The Welcome Party is a way to get to know Norwood Baptist Church RI, meet the Pastor and a few others, and enjoy lunch.

Just fill out the form below and check off what interests you.